Marvel Cinematic Universe, fondly known as MCU, is an essence of childhood where it takes even an adult to the nostalgia of falling in love with their superheroes all over again. Be it Ironman, Deadpool, Groot or Captain America, their fanbase knows no age restrictions. The marvellous love for those friendly superheroes would just increase with time as one learns about their pure intentions and morals for which they fight against injustice.
The Team
Hon'ble Mentions
Prof.Dr.Bansidhar Majhi
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, VSSUT
Prof.Dr.Bansidhar Majhi
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, VSSUT
Prof.Dr.Bansidhar Majhi
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, VSSUT
Prof.Dr.Bansidhar Majhi
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, VSSUT
Student Bodies
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